Friday, September 11, 2009

Prized Quiz 2

Hi Guys, Welcome Back To Second Edition Of Prized Quiz.

Today, i.e. 11th September, I was at library in the evening. I thought a question myself and got the answer in few minutes. It is simple question, hence no big prize though. Question has two parts 'a' and 'b'. The answer required is a general one. The question is as follows :-


  • Suppose there is a matrix of dimension m*n, where m>0 and n>0.

  • Find out the number of rectangles that can be formed of exactly x*y size, where x>0,y>0 and x<=m,y<=n.

  • Find the answer in terms of m,n,x,y.


  • Suppose there is a matrix of dimension m*n, where m>0 and n>0.

  • Find out total number of rectangles that can be formed. i.e. All possible Dimensions.

  • Find the answer in terms of m,n.

Prize: Treat at Cafe.

Mail all your answers at with subject as PRIZED QUIZ 2.

Deadline: First One To Answer Both Parts.

Note: Write all Your queries in Comments Section. Do Not Write Answer There.